About Us

We are Nomadic Earth Architecture, a newly established grassroots nonprofit dedicated to sharing knowledge of natural building across cultures. Our approach is community-focused, which means that we work closely with local communities to understand from their perspectives, what their own unique cultural and environmental challenges are so that we can better meet the specific needs of each community we collaborate with.

Our Work includes:

  • Building safe and affordable housing that combines ancient building techniques with new methods and materials, like Magnesium Oxide

  • Educating on healthier, non-toxic, natural building alternatives

  • Creating a network of partnerships to share resources and support with communities that experience displacement or inequality from systems of exclusion

  • Collaborating in community-led projects

We are a global collective of everyday people, natural builders, and earth conscious humane beings that began noticing the injustices in our communities and of our earth and made the decision to do what we could, with what we had. Through a network of partnerships, we collaborate in community based projects, working together to explore natural, alternative solutions to reduce our globally shared concerns of safe and affordable housing, rapid deterioration of our natural resources and ecosystems, and the displacement of communities experiencing injustices around the world. This is a space for us to connect, collaborate and share knowledge so that we all can become part of the conversation in how to create durable solutions that affect our own lives.

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  • Committed to inclusiveness and equality with respect and kindness for all people, communities and cultures

  • Passionate about working with natural, non-toxic building materials to reduce our carbon footprint, improve our health and strengthen our lands.

  • Honor the exchange of knowledge across culture by working alongside communities and passing on cultural skills and ancient wisdom.

  • Value creative collaboration of authentic workshops that represent the unique culture and climate of the local community we work with.

Our Approach