Locally crafted kiln used for firing homemade bricks to build homes in Zambia.
Earth architecture is an ancient method of building that has been practiced for thousands of years. architectural designs like arches, domes and vaults can be created using simple building methods and locally available, natural materials. These cultural skills and ancient methods of natural building have been passed down from generations. To this day, these earthen structures have proven to be strong and durable against harsh climates and natural disasters.
In present day, 38% of all Co2 emission in the world is a result of the construction industry. These current methods of building require large proportions of fossil fuels, concrete & steel that are quickly burning up our earth's resources. homes built with these toxic materials have a short life span that significantly add to increasing waste build up and pollution. They also contribute to our poor health. No matter how healthy our nutrition is or how active we are, we are still coming home to rest in toxic living spaces.
Natural Tiny home built with Hemp and Magnesium Oxide (MGO) in Texas
Today, as we face challenges such as climate change, a lack of affordable housing, increasing numbers of displaced communities and growing health concerns, communities are continuing to explore alternative, nature-based building methods.
Traditional adobe home with thatched roof in Nchelenge, Zambia