Hemp and Magnesium Tiny Home
Hemp is an extremely versatile renewable building material that is both resource-conserving and carbon-neutral, making it an eco-friendly option for natural building projects. Many hemp builders most commonly use Lime as a binder, and while Lime is a great natural material, it can also be harmful to your health if handled without proper protection. By mixing your hemp with a natural binder like Magnesium Oxide, you create a quick drying, extremely strong material that has excellent insulation properties, without wearing protective gloves, a respirator, or worrying about about any harmful health reactions when handling the material. As far as our research has shown, this tiny home prototype is the first of its kind to use a recipe of Hemp and Magnesium. During the project's construction, improvements in the health of the builders were noticed including better quality of sleep, as well as benefits in the surrounding area which included the revival of a dormant pecan grove.